Monday, February 23, 2015

Surviving My First Weekend...

Gawd, I’m SO bored!

There’s nothing to do in this place except eat, nap, play games on the laptop, eat, work on my book, nap, listen to the emergency vehicles (next door to a fire station), watch the CTA buses zoom by, eat, nap, do chores (every resident is assigned a chore) and then listen to the yelling and screaming all night long. 

SO much drama happens here ...someone should do a reality show about this place.

Yep, that was my first weekend here at Safe Haven. Life here is faux-bulous …we’re living the high life every day. However, since I arrived during a holiday weekend, I can’t leave the building until I do “intake” (getting processed “officially” as an ASHF resident) on Monday. So, my daughter and I are totally stuck in this crazy place …actually more like held prisoner against our will within this chaotic madhouse.

Whoever said “…motherhood is a beautiful thing…” hasn’t seen the mothers at this place. Some here need more than just parenting classes. They need family counseling …therapy …anger management and mentorship. I can count the number of times I’ve heard these “young” moms yell, berate, scream, et al at their kids even in the most foulest of language. I’m no “Mother of the Year” either …I have my faults when it comes to parenting. And yes, I can angry at my daughter too but not in a way I would do it like the others here would.

Sometimes, there are moments when peaceful silence surrounds the floor …yet those moments a strange rarity but the walls are so thin you can hear the rooms on either side (especially if you share a vent with the next room) and the room above you.

Instead of banding together, there was cliques (yep, just like high school) ...factions of mothers. And when it comes to cliques - there's also bullying ...not just on at the resident level but also at kid level as well as between certain staff members (more about that in an upcoming blog post). My daughter and I make it a habit to avoid such people around here. I only have one goal in mind - to get the heck out of here as soon as possible. It's kinda hard finding another mother who's likeminded or close to your level around here. It's nice to bond with my daughter since we're both on the same intellectual level but it's also nice to have adult conversations with another adult.  My roommate is okay ...her two daughters are a riot!. 

My first weekend was a definite learning experience. Never knew there were SO many hours in a day when usually I’m out and about covering local/indie bands …for the first time in a long while, I’m stuck inside …borderline experiencing cabin fever. Yep, almost went bonkers being so bored ...luckily I have my unfinished book to somewhat keep me and movies to keep me busy . There’s nothing much to do here except hang out at the computer lab to connect to the Wi-Fi. Other than that, you either have an overnight pass (get to that later in this blog) or you’re stuck watching the snowflakes fall. Nothing much for the kids to do here either. As I mentioned, it’s not a kid-friendly place.

Weekends totally suck  …can’t wait to get out and feel the sun shining …the cold Chicago winds blowing …I hate being caged like a bird in gilded trappings but these trappings aren’t what they seem at all…

On that Monday, I was SO happy to breathe the fresh air when taking my daughter to school. Yeah, it was cold but it never tasted so good after spending a weekend locked up in a gilded cage. After doing intake, I spent most of that roaming around town.

Freedom never tasted so deliciously sweet. 


To be continued…

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